most of the time we require to compress file and save it to perticular localtion , or you can
use the for any purpose as u want .
for this we requires Server supporting WScript.Shell - most hosts won't allow this.
here u can get the download link , here u can specify either relative path or absolute path
before that please download this file, click here to download
< %
'CreateZipFile: function to create zip file at perticular location
'ZipPath - full path for the zip file, including the zip file name.
'arrFilesPath - array of the files to be zipped,
e.g. Array("C:\*.exe", "C:\foldername\*.*")
'NOTE: this code requires ZIP.EXE utility in the same location
' as this file.
Sub CreateZipFile(ZipPath, arrFilesPath)
Const PKZIP_FILE_NAME="zip.exe"
Dim strCommand, objShell, objFSO
Dim x
'first check zip.exe file is exists:
Set objFSO=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not(objFSO.FileExists(Server.MapPath(ZIP_FILE_NAME) )) Then
Set objFSO=Nothing
Err.Raise 20000, "Zip File Creator", "zip utility not found: "&Server.MapPath(ZIP_FILE_NAME)
End If
'delete current file:
If objFSO.FileExists(ZipPath) Then
End If
Set objFSO=Nothing
'batch command:
strCommand=Server.MapPath(ZIP_FILE_NAME)&" -add "&ZipPath&" "
For x=0 To UBound(arrFilesPath)
If x < UBound(arrFilesPath) Then strCommand=strCommand&" "
Set objShell=Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run strCommand, 0, True 'wait!
Set objShell=Nothing
End Sub
now u can call your CreateZipFile() function
< %
Call checkZipFile()
Sub checkZipFile()
'create zip and give link:
Call CreateZipFile(Server.MapPath(""), Array(Server.MapPath("images")&"\*.*"))
Response.Write("click here download zip")
End Sub
here u can get the download link , here u can specify either relative path or absoutate path