hello ,i have again come up with some collection of jquery plugins with Demos , hope u like it.
jGooglejGoogle will wrap google AJAX search APIs in a single jQuery plugin to extract usable data.
on the first version they have included GImageSearch option
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View Source 2.
Virtual jQuery Keyboardjquery Virtual Keyboard is one of the good feature for preventing keystrokes , it will very dangerous when you enter some bank account and password like information , virtual keyboard will play very imp role here, you can't get the stoke on your log ,
View Demo3.
Scrolling with Load Effects.when we have lots of content then its not looking good when we are showing them in one and too long panel, instead of that we can show loading effects the it also look beautiful and cool
View demo 4.
Tablesorter 2.0When we showing the records on table then sorting is one of the basic option , to show the records like date wise , increasing decrease order and so on like this feature you can add here
View demo 5.
jQuery Right-click PluginThis plugin enable you to detect the event when user get click right button of mouse . so as per the click you can do your operation like disable the right click and so on or adding any information to drop down when clicking right click
View demo 6.
Jquery: Progress Bar Progress bar is one of the cool feature that use can use anywhere where you are data get retrieve from database and if it will take too much time to load that page , in this case you can show loading like Effects so user can understand that page is being lead
view Demo 7.
jQuery Feed Menus Feed is used for bookmarking and all other purpose , you can show multiple feed under one category , so you can use your space and its also look nice
view Demo 8.
gShuffle The plugin animation is triggered every time the Shuffle button is clicked. Each time, the code will choose two squares to switch positions with one another.
view Demo 9 -
Mark It UpMarkItUp, you can convert text areas into powerful HTML, BBCode or Wiki editor.
hope you like it ,
will add more on it, if you found anything could be related with this plz add on comments