now how to determine which version of sql 2008 is running out machine,
- run the following T-SQL statement,
SELECT SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel') ,SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')
you will get the result like :
RTM | 10.0.1600.22 | Enterprise Edition
RTM is product level which means - 'Release To Manufacturing'.
but what is means of RTM - is a stage on which the distribution of process begins CD of
that product get created and retial packs and then product will get shipp , this is very
long process and because of that RTM date is mostly ahead of the final release date.
10.0.1600.22 means product version.
Enterprise Edition means its a Edition there are some other editions are also there like
Developer,standard ,web,Express ,Workgroup , 64- bit Edition .
The following table lists the Sqlservr.exe version number.
Release | Sqlservr.exe |
RTM | 2007.100.1600.0 |
SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 | 2007.100.2531.0 |